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Yra studijinės grupės, yra LIVE grupės.
Mes esam LIVE grupė. Kas buvot - suprasit. Kas nebuvot - ateikit, pajausit.
Visiškai skirtingos asmenybės, kurios susikalba per muziką. Paprastai susikalbėt mums išeina sunkiai.
Pradėjom 2012 ir vis dar esam. Keista, ane? kas dabar bus?
There are live bands and studio bands.
We are LIVE band. If you heard or saw us - you got it. the one's who didn't - come.
Five totally different personalities which comunicate through music. In other case it would be difficult for us to contribute. All the journey of the band started in 2012. Strange, but we are still together. What's next?
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